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One of the best things about travel is the new experiences you have as a family and learning and seeing new things. You’re making memories that live on long after your vacation.

Here are fun ways to bring those vacation memories to life.


Gather the family together and share stories about your trip.

Ask each person to share their vacation memories. What was your favorite part? What did you learn? What was the most fun? What will you never forget? You can talk about the vacation overall or go day-by-day about the trip.

Make it a fun activity. Prepare a favorite food from the vacation and play music from the destination on your favorite music streaming service to set the mood.

The KeeKee Kid’s Corner below has a fun activity to help the kids capture their favorite parts.

Movie Night

Have a family movie night where you look at all your pictures on the TV.

Have each person walk through their photos and talk about why they captured that moment. You could also incorporate the Storytelling activity above and make it a fun night with food and music.

Make an Album

Pull together your photos and mementos to create one of these keepsakes as a family activity.

  • Photo Album: Have everyone pick out their favorite photos from the trip, print them out, and make an album. Or you can make a printed photo album with an online service like Apple or Shutterfly.
  • Scrapbook: Get craft supplies from the craft store to make a scrapbook of the trip. Use pictures, maps, ticket stubs, and drawings, and write down everyone’s favorite memories to create a fun scrapbook.
  • Memory Box: Everyone can pick their one or two favorite things from the vacation and put them into a Memory Box. Include favorite memories by writing them on pretty paper or flat river rocks.

Shadow Frame Box

We love taking favorite photos and souvenirs to make a framed box you can display in your home. This is a great way to keep your memories visible for everyone to enjoy. You could even create a Vacation Shadow Frame Box wall in your living room.

Wall Art

Have the family pick out their favorite photo from the trip, then get it printed on canvas and hang it in your house. After a few trips, you’ll have your vacation wall of photos.

You can also have your kids’ favorite pictures printed as a collage on canvas to hang in their room.

Make a Map

Start a world or country map to capture your vacations. This can be something great to display in your house. After each trip, add a pin to the destination you visited and include the family’s favorite photo.

You can also buy framed map templates, then fill them in with your favorite photos as you visit each state or country.

Incorporate a Favorite Thing

There are so many things to learn from each destination you visit, especially internationally, like how other people live, the food they eat, and their language.

It can be fun to incorporate something you learned on the trip into your family life, like a meal, custom, word, or tradition.

This is a great way to celebrate the people, places, and cultures of our great big, wonderful world!

Have fun bringing your memories to life. Adventure Awaits!
