We’ve been so busy over the last few months putting all of our plans together and now finally more on the Draw KeeKee Kontest!

We launched the Draw KeeKee Kontest at the beginning of the year to find an illustrator for KeeKee’s Big Adventures. We had over 50 illustrator entries from around the world!

Here are just some of the awesome drawings we received as part of this contest. We encourage you to check out their portfolios.
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Special Thanks to:

  • Ulla Valk | Amsterdam, Netherlands (website)
  • Sean Boley | Virginia, United States (portfolio)
  • Erik Johnson | Michigan, United States (website)
  • Sophie Grunnet | Aarhus, Denmark (website)
  • Glenn Hibburt | Canterbury, New Zealand (website)
  • Angela Sbandelli | Italy (website)
  • Cecile Saintobert
  • Claire Wiles | Perth, Australia (website)
  • Isabelle Hörl | Amsterdam, Netherlands (website)
  • Julia Church | New York, United States (website)
  • Kyle Murphy (website)
  • Liss Skariah | Florida, United States (website)
  • Luisa Gioffre-Suzuki | Melbourne, Australia (website)
  • Lyndsey Collingridge |  Manchester, United Kingdom (website)
  • Olivia Chung | France (website)
  • Pradeep Mehra | Delhi, India (website)
  • Richy K. Chandler | London, United Kingdom (website)
  • Ronaldo Florendo | Manila, Philippines (website)
  • Ross Meln | Illinois, United States (website)
  • Barry McGuire (website)
  • Emily Davidson | United Kingdom (website)

From the 50, we selected five who’s styles best matched what we were looking for to go to the second round. In my next post, we’ll share those. Then…the BIG winner!