What if we all did Random Acts of Kindness every day? 😻 Imagine what a wonderful world it would be.🌎

Let’s make a world of ‘more we & less me’ by doing Random Acts of Kindness every day.

Here are some great Random Acts of Kindness ideas for you and the kids.

♥ Hold the door for someone.

♥ Return someone’s cart at the store.

♥ Feed the birds.

♥ Pick up litter.

♥ Give a compliment to a friend.

♥ Write a thank you note to your teacher.

♥ Leave a nice note in a library book.

♥ Set the table for dinner.

♥ Donate old toys and books.

♥ Read a book to someone.

♥ Clean up your room without being asked.

♥ Ask for a donation instead of birthday presents.

♥ Give a hug.

♥ Play with someone new.

Color a picture for someone like the one below.

♥ Give a compliment.

♥ Say thank you all day long.

♥ Call your grandparents.

♥ Give someone flowers.

Thank you for being kind!

😻 Love, KeeKee

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