Spark Curiosity, Inspire Adventure

KeeKee’s Big Adventures exists to help parents raise confident,
empathetic kids who understand and appreciate the world around them.

We believe every child deserves to discover the wonder of our great, big, wonderful world. We’re here to help parents make that journey of discovery easier and more enjoyable through engaging stories, activities, and travel experiences that bring cultures and places to life in ways that are fun and natural for the whole family.

We Believe…


In inspiring people to see the world from new perspectives, because putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is an adventure of its own.


In pushing beyond comfort zones. The world is big, wide, and wonderful – and it’s even better when you try new things and embrace new friends.


In making our adventures entertaining for kids
and for the adults who love them.


In sharing delicious nuggets of wisdom that are fun and memorable – a new word or expression, a new recipe, a new custom, and more.

Travel is life-changing for families, especially the kids.
Jacquie, Travel Mom

KeeKee’s Big Adventures makes the whole journey – from dreaming to planning more fun, easy and accessible.

Missy, Travel Mom